Phil Daley wrote:

> It would be discrimination if there are no classical guitarists

Well, guess what. No parts exist in these ensembles for classical guitar. So
why would they audition classical guitarists?

My guess is they auditioned him mistakenly thinking he was a tenor. (I never
read the article, BTW, but so what. Feel free to pull the straw man.)
Whatever he auditioned for, they should have realized early on he was not
delivering what they were after.

> To say he could "play viola" doesn't even deserve a comment.

Oh, sure it does. Because a countertenor asking to sing a soprano part or
alto part is no different than a guitarist claiming to be able to playa
viola part. "I can read the clef, I can match the tone really closely. Why
not let me?"

Would YOU allow a classical guitarist to play viola parts in an All-State
orchestra? After all, you'd never hear his unique tone diference in the
amalgamation of all the players.

Neal Schermerhorn
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