On 27 Jul 2005 at 23:13, Aaron Sherber wrote:

> At 10:54 PM 07/27/2005, David W. Fenton wrote:
>  >So, you've just discovered that Mac anti-aliasing is better than
>  >Windows?
> David, do you enjoy picking fights? Because now you're just being
> silly. This isn't a question of better anti-aliasing -- . . .

It looks like one to me.

> . . . the Win
> screenshot looks like total crap. . . .

It's more readable on my screen because the Mac fonts are anti-
aliased into blurriness.

> . . . If this had to do with
> anti-aliasing, then the characters in the Win screenshot would at
> least have the same shape and size but would look more pixillated
> around the edges. But they're not pixillated, they're just chunky.

Well, it's clearly a different font, but that's probably, shock of 
shocks, because Windows and OS X don't have the same system fonts.

>  >Doesn't sound lame to me. Mac has significant differences in its
>  font >rendering technologies, and always has, and that's one of the
>  reasons >graphics people prefer the Mac.
> I'm saying it's lame that they weren't able to come up with an 
> alternate solution for Windows that looks better than it does. Maybe
> this is easier on the Mac, but I'm sure there are lots of things in
> Finale that are easier on one platform than on the other, and yet they
> still have to find a way to make things work the same on both
> platforms.

The Windows screen shots you've provided are easier to read than the 
Mac screenshot from the website. That's all I have to go on.

And, personally, I think anti-aliasing at small font sizes is a bad 
thing, anyway.

Did you suggest to MakeMusic that they provide their own display font 
for this purpose? That's the only way they could possibly avoid a 
cross-platform difference of this nature.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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