On 27 Aug 2005, at 8:26 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Darcy James Argue wrote:

What would be the best way to go about doing this? For one-line percussion staves assigned to a single instrument, simple transposition will suffice. But for anything more complicated than that, you need a more flexible tool. TGTools Replace Pitches affects *pitch* classes, so it's no good for changing all instances of D2 to B3, for instance.

Wasn't percussion defined in the GM specification?

GPO, like most advanced sample libraries on the market, is not GM- compatible.

And I would think that MakeMusic could have negotiated that the percussion mapping in the supplied library of GPO would match the percussion mapping of the soundfont.

That's not really possible. There are sounds in the GM Percussion set that aren't in GPO (i.e., electric snare, vibraslap, bongos, congas, etc) and there are sounds in GPO Basic Orch Percussion that aren't in the GM spec (recorded drum and cymbal rolls, gongs, tam-tam, etc). Not to mention Finale's Marching percussion and Orchestral Percussion, both of which use a completely different set of keymappings from the standard GM Percussion...

How hard is it to ensure that the same sounds are mapped to the same midi notes in soft-synth sound-sources shipped with a single product?

Pretty damn hard, when the sample library in question was never designed to be compatible with the General MIDI spec in the first place, and there's little overlap even in the choice of instruments included, and the notation software doesn't want to break compatibility with users who already have scores set up for GPO Percussion, etc etc etc.

Maintaining two different files for two different playback engines -- didn't I mention that need a while back and was pooh-poohed as being too negative?

Yes --at the time, I hadn't investigated unpitched percussion yet. I apologize. This is thornier than I thought.

It's not so bad if you have, e.g., a dedicated snare drum staff that *only* has snare hits on MIDI note #38 (GM snare). Then you just select the entire staff and transpose up a octave and a major sixth, so that all the notes are now on MIDI note #59 (GPO snare). (Or you can use the "Single Pitch" plugin.) Things only get hairy if you have multiple unpitched percussion instruments on the *same* staff -- but when this happens, things get *very* hairy, which is why I was asking whether there was a good way to search and replace actual PITCHES, not just PITCH CLASSES.

I'm not particularly interested in playing another round of "Let's bash Finale" or "Let's bash GPO." I'm just asking a question here -- is there a way to search a staff for all incidents of, say, the pitch D2, and changing them all to the pitch B3 -- while leaving all other pitches (included D's and B's in other octaves) alone? I'm looking for solutions, not another flame war.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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