Christopher Smith wrote:

Wow, what version are you upgrading from? I don't ever even remember that, and I started in 3.2!


It's in the Edit menu, about halfway down. We all wish there was a one-click keystroke to toggle that on and off, but it hasn't happened yet. Remember to uncheck it when you're done, as you get wacky results drag copying when you THINK you've selected a whole measure, but haven't really.

Found it, and found the edit toolbar as well.  Thanks for all your help!!

I take it you are using Simple Entry? That's the tool that causes the most crowding. It has been considerably reworked in recent versions, so I hope you are taking advantage of all the new functions.

I almost never use it. I disliked it in the old version, and haven't checked out the new functions - I only installed the program Thursday night.

You're among friends here, and we all use our real names. We would appreciate knowing yours, too.


Sorry - on other lists everyone knows my name, but although I subscribed a while ago, I rarely never post here.

I bought Finale several years ago and learned enough to turn out decent looking choral scores - I was transcribing a bunch of early music into modern notation & doing a few other things for a choir I used to sing with - but haven't learned more than a tiny fraction of what the program can do yet. I'm taking a notation course at university this term, and they are using Finale on Macs, but I asked for & received permission to do my assignments on my PC at home & upgraded so that I could have the same version as they have. I'll still have to learn how to use the Mac version by the end of term so that I can do the final test at school, but at least this way I can work on learning the program, and not end up falling behind while I try to learn a different computer as well.


The better the voyce is, the meeter it is to honour and
serve God there-with:  and the voyce of man is chiefely
to be imployed to that ende.

Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum.

 -William Byrd

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