On 18 Sep 2005 at 1:19, Owain Sutton wrote:

I wish the toolbars were customizable like typical Microsoft toolbars
so I could select certain buttons to have on a custom toolbar. I'd
love to have a toolbar with the FILE OPEN and FILE SAVE shortcuts (I
use Ctrl-O and Ctrl-S, but the I also like having the toolbar icons,
as well), the UNDO/REDO buttons, the SELECT PARTIAL MEASURES button
and the SHOW CURRENT LAYER ONLY button. I can't see much else in the
available menu toolbars that I'd want as shortcuts, and don't really
understand why so many of the toolbar icons simply replicate existing
keyboard shortcuts. For instance, the view percentage toolbar seems
remarkably obtuse, as it offers percentages that are already
available through easy keyboard shortcuts. If it offered *other*
percentages, that would seem to me to make more sense.

While I fully agree that the toolbars should be completely customisable, I'd take issue with the idea that a keyboard shortcut makes the toolbar button redundant. I for one use the zoom icons more than the shortcuts, because it's most often when I'm scrolling around pages sorting out layout issues. And as the past 24 hours has seen us bemoaning the general crappiness of the Finale UI, making it *less* user-friendly (for those not already fully-acquanited with the intricacies of the system) can't be a good idea!

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