On 29 Sep 2005 at 23:11, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> On 22:27 Uhr David W. Fenton wrote:
> > Well, Johannes, you're just WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
> Thanks for keeping your voice down. (You manage to become really
> offensive in the course of any discussion. Why is that? Is this some
> kind of ego trip you have been on for the last few years? I for one am
> really getting sick of that!)

Well, for one, you've repeatedly ignored the things I've said in this 
thread, and repeatedly told me that I what is clearly happening in 
front of me on my PC is simply not happening.

I find that pretty damned annoying.

> > These applications had no capability of opening a file. All they
> > could do was listen to a stream of audio from the soundcard.
> So they listen for the soundcard input? How did you feed the MP3 into
> that?

I had to initiate playback in an MP3 player, and tell it what device 
to listen to.

> It was not clear to me that these applications could not open files.
> But it is still not clear to me how you actually manage to play any
> files through them.

I said this in my first posts explaining that none of the software 
I'd tried worked for me. You just missed it, obviously.

And your repeated insistence that I was wrong is what made me respond 
as above. Now you see perfectly well that I was right about the 
soundcard being involved, but you weren't working without that 
information, which I'd already provided (when I said an outside 
player had to be used to initiate the playback). Your certainty that 
you were correct, the fact that you've told me at least 3 times that 
my soundcard is not involved is what drove my annoyance.

> > Now, more than one of the apps *did* have the ability to open WAV
> > files, but I wanted to analyze MP3 files, so those were of no use to
> > me. Those, presumably, would not have involved my soundcard.
> Actually, that's very easy. Just convert the MP3 to Wav. Since Wav is
> an uncompressed format you will not loose any more than was already
> lost in the MP3 file. You can still make your comparison.

Well, since none of the software met my needs, I uninstalled it. I'm 
not interested in software that requires me to work around its 
limitations by doing conversions like that, when there's software 
that can read both directly. I've got better things to spend my time 
on, many of them quite time-consuming by themselves, without doing 
MP3-WAV conversions to use in applications that it seems to me ought 
to read the MP3s natively.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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