You should certainly tell tech support about this. Are you on Windows or Mac? I just tried checking for an update with Mac 2000b and was told that I have the current version, so at least on my system the feature seems to be working.


On 1 Jan 2006, at 15:15, dhbailey wrote:

I just ran Fin2006b and had it check for updates. It told me that there was an update available at the MakeMusic web-site, so I clicked on the option to get the new update (figuring of course that it must be Fin2006C -- but don't get excited, there is no new update!) It took me to the page which showed the 2006B update!

Why doesn't Finale2006b know that I already have it? Did MakeMusic simply hard-code into this great new feature that it is Finale2006 and that it should check to see if there is anything more recent than Finale2006, so everytime I check for automatic updates it's simply going to waste my time by telling me that 2006b is available? Why didn't MakeMusic code into this routine the ability to check and see which actual version is actually running, and then compare it against the update patches? Is it me being hyper-picky, or shouldn't Finale2006b only tell me there's a new update available when Finale2006c comes out?

It seems like it's another great idea not properly implemented.

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