Very good observations.  To me, Chuck is in touch with the current music world.

At 3/31/2006 12:02 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

>We are all products of the culture to which we were exposed in our
>most receptive (and vulnerable) years.  It is possible to expand
>experience beyond that, but it's not easy.  That makes it difficult
>for people who became affected by post 60s music in their youth to
>recognize the depth of the esthetic change and the resulting
>impoverishment of the musical landscape.  It is hard to see the
>picture if you are inside the frame.

I put 4 kids through school in the 80s early 90s.
Every one of them had a piano background from 1st grade on. (My wife is a piano teacher ;-) They all picked a band instrument (drums was not allowed ;-) and played it through HS. They all took private lessons on their instrument, it was that or drop out of band. My 2nd son made All-Sate for 3 years in a row and was Solo trombonist in the All-State band his senor year.

They all listened to my early classics and my wife's 60's favorites. I never heard any of hem listening to rap or other really ugly "music". They now all have college degrees (2 have advanced degrees) and, when we visit, most of them don't appear to listen to much music at all. In fact, 3 of them do not even have TVs.

I am certainly open to other's viewpoints on that.

2 of them do their news reading (current event stuff) on the web. The other (the all-state one) does not listen to radio news nor read a newspaper. When I visit, I have to go out and buy a newspaper to see what's going on. (Perhaps I am too political).

>My frame includes elements that direct my understanding in this way,
>and I study this phenomenon every day.  It is not a pretty musical
>picture.  Please understand that I believe that the human spirit is
>indomitable, and that creativity continues in many areas.  It's music
>that's in trouble, from my perspective.

My wife teaches 50 piano students a week. So many of them don't understand the music that they are playing.

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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