Lawrence David Eden wrote:
I think that what we are discussing here comes under the category of musical taste as well as music literacy.

My daughter is an accomplished high school musician. She plays beautiful flute and sings 1st soprano in her school's madrigal group and choir...but you probably don't want to copy her iTunes folder! I can't believe some of the garbage she listens to. When I compare this to the popular music that I grew up with in the 60's, I am appalled at what passes for music today.

Of course, "I am appalled at what passes for music today." is what my parents and their friends used to say about the music we listened to in the 60s, and what their parents said about the big bands and Frank Sinatra.

Congratulations on finally saying something that I bet you thought you'd never ever say, after hearing the older folks around you when you were a teen complaining about the "trash" you were listening to. :-)

David H. Bailey
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