At 5:54 PM -0500 4/1/06, Darcy James Argue wrote:
On 01 Apr 2006, at 5:40 PM, Peter Taylor wrote:

But isn't that the point? They decided to promote their music themselves on MySpace Music presumably because the record companies couldn't recognise they had any prospect as moneyspinners (but I don't have any knowledge of that).

I think the point is that they didn't *need* record company backing to succeed (at least not initially -- once they had generated some momentum on their own, their label certainly helped them get to the next level).

But clearly, the days of record companies as exclusive gatekeepers are rapidly waning. And good riddance!

Let's not forget that for the last--what? 20 years?--record companies have been functioning as promoters and distributors, NOT as producers. In fact today they EXPECT artists to produce their own masters and turn them over to the companies. When I was recording back in the '60s, there were still A & R people who actively tried to match up artists and songs, and who took responsibility for producing the actual recordings. No more.

Of course the corollary is inescapable. With no gatekeepers, the market will be (is?) flooded with crap, and the artists who do have some talent will still have to cater to the fickle taste of their public. For every group that manages to have the kind of success Darcy describes, how many groups will go absolutely nowhere?


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
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