At 1:03 AM -0400 5/14/06, Christopher Smith wrote:

What's a "normal" a3 divisi? That was part of the original question, too. The only answer I have managed to find is, "Whatever the conductor tells you to do."

Well, yes, but there are two "standard" models that most orchestras probably use, and the decision is more often than not made at the section principal level if neither the conductor nor the concertmaster has weighed in. (And composers who specify the number of string players in each section live in a fantasy world!)

1. By person: 1st stand outside Violin 1; 1st stand inside Violin 2; 2nd stand outside Violin 3; etc. until you run out of people. Best for balance in small sections.

2. By stand: 1st stand Violin 1; 2nd stand Violin 2; 3rd stand Violin 3; etc. until you run out of stands. Often best, or at least easiest, for large sections.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
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