A couple more thoughts for you Dennis:

   You said it prints to .ps correctly, are you sure, and how did you check

    You said that it printed to your non-postscript printers correctly, do
you have any postscript printers on your network, and is it possible that
they were set as the printer when you were creating the .ps file? If so, is
this font installed on the printer in question?

    I should have asked before if you are using mac or win, but if mac, do
you have multiple users set up for fast user-switching. If so, have more
than one been logged in at a time, and do they have different font profiles?

    ...hmmm, I'm scratching my head a lot on this one, let me know what
progress you make.


On 5/16/06 10:42 AM, "Dennis Bathory-Kitsz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 10:15 AM 5/16/06 -0500, Scot Hanna-Weir wrote:
>> Opening the font, is the bounding box properly positioned around the
>> character?
> Yes. I suspected that, and did a 'select all', in case there were points
> outside the visible area. There weren't, and all the font glyphs validated
> for incorrect points and contours.
>> You aren't using multiple machines are you?
> No. This is on the machine that created it. And the font is embedded. But
> it was a good thought, as I had not opened it on a different machine
> without the font installed. I did that -- and the displays were identical,
> alas. Your suggestion made me think that I should try compiling this on
> another machine, which I will do later.
>> Is there another font with the same name on your system that Adobe might
>> think is the one is should call. You might check the permissions on the font
>> file itself, and that is is properly located on your system.
> There is only this one name, which is unique in both filename and font
> name. It is where it belongs. And all test conditions were identical for
> the images that I posted (computer, Finale version, and music file).
>> I'm sure that all of these are things you've checked, but those are some of
>> the thoughts that I had. Not sure how helpful I can be.
> Thanks very much, Scott. You've got me started on some more ideas.
> Best to you,
> Dennis

Scot Hanna-Weir
Music Engraver
A-R Editions, Inc.
Middleton, WI

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