At 10:03 AM -0700 5/28/06, Richard Yates wrote:

There are many assumptions being made about the situation in which the score
would be used. I absolutely believe that in the one you, and others, have
assumed (sight-reading with a group of players) that you are correct.

 Your third example still has me absolutely stumped, with no repeat
 sign or double bar between the first and second endings.  I would
 have to stop playing and wait for an explanation.  And every single
 part will end up with pencil marks all over it, even as the musicians
 cuss you out for being really weird!!!

I was just trying to write out what I understood David Bailey's suggestion
to be. Do you understand his differently?

 But go ahead and make up your own notation.  Good luck!

Well, aside from the good wishes, I still do not know how you would do it.

Like your second example, of course. It's conventional and unambiguous. And pulling a single measure onto the previous page is trivial.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
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