This happens to me consistently in FinMac 2007, too, starting from a new document key signature C.

Even weirder, when I hit the 9 to shift enharmonics, the D changes to an E with no double-flat, as it is supposed to!

Definitely a bug, and definitely one that MakeMusic needs to know about and squash as soon as possible. This version of Finale doesn't seem ready for prime time yet.


On Sep 23, 2006, at 12:11 AM, Rich Caldwell wrote:

Perhaps I've gone temporarily insane (well, more insane than usual)...

I try this in Speedy Entry with a MIDI keyboard:

Enter C - C# - D
I then try to force a natural on the D with '*'. Nothing happens. I can put one in parentheses, but not by itself. This doesn't happen to all notes though. It seems to occur in rising chromatic scales such as the example I give.

I opened a default document and tried it again, same thing. I opened a default doc in Finale2k6, enter the same notes, and it gives me the natural as it should. It also works if I don't use a MIDI keyboard while in Speedy Entry.

Could someone please tell me what program or document setting I am neglecting to notice in 2007, and then show me where Allen Funt is hiding??? This can't possibly be a bug.


Rich Caldwell

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