But not everyone works the same way you do, has the same tools to work with, or has the same goals and requirements from a notation program. If Finale just focuses on your set of needs, they will make their already small market even smaller.

Finale has to try an produce a tool for many different uses and working methods. Because of this, we will all probably find parts of the software we don't need.

Richard Smith

Kurt Gnos wrote:
I was somewhat astonished by this discussion, as I was astonished by the energy Coda/MakeMusic invests in Finale's playback capabilities.

First question: What do you need playback for? I use it for proof reading. Basta. So I haven't ever needed Finale's "save to wav" or "save to mp3". If I want it performed, I get it played by real instruments. I checked it out just in case, and it worked fine.

If you want to put an mp3 besides some graphics to sell your Finale files on a web site, I think it's useful to have a midi file or an mp3. I don't think a potential buyer minds wether it's by the smart sound soft synth or GPO Finale or full GPO, it's also a kind of proof reading.

Maybe I would use GPO more if it wouldn't take so long to open the Finale files using it. I want to drink coffee when I want to, not just because I'm waiting until the sounds are loaded. And be honest - they are better than smart sound, but they are not good.

If I really need a good sounding output and I can not use real instruments I go to Nuendo or Cubase and use various real instruments and soft synths (maybe including GPO for some sounds) to get it sounding better. Use a decent reverb (e. b. Waves IR). For piano, use the "Grand" or "ivory". And so on.

I'd prefer MakeMusic concentrating on things we need more urgently than better playback. For example: I still need most of my Finale time for correcting the layout. How about Finale doing these things right? Good spacing, no collisions of symbols and notes, usable lyrics, distances between verses, in short, a "nice" score. And postscript output is still somewhat erratical. Hey, Finale should be a professional score printing program. Think it sounds professional?

I mean, for example, listen to the chords playback. I always have to mute it in all occurring voices to prevent vomiting...

Finale isn't a sequencer, and - in my opinion - doesn't need to be, there are a lots of better programs out there to do that. I use Finale to write scores.

Problems - if you need the playback: Swing, and setting tempo when using it often doesn't work. I think this is more important to fix than playback sounds. Phrasings often play back wrong. I have a score with staccato accents playing back legato... I think it much more important to get those things fixed than getting other sounds.

You really need the playback? There are many programs and sound cards out there that let you record the sound coming out of your computer, so it will be easiest to do this - it will sound just (as bad) as it comes out of Finale. Use smart sound or soft synths, GPO or Vienna - WYHIWYG (what you hear is what you get). E. G. If you have a recent Creative Sound Card, you just can record your "what you hear"-channel.

Just my 10c


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