dhbailey wrote, WRT John Hughes complaint about delay in sound when using Fin 2k6 and 2k7:

But you still haven't told us which playback device you were trying to use in Fin2007 -- was it GPO or were you using your basic soundcard synth?

I would note further, and perhaps more fundamentally, that Mr. Hughes does not appear to have provided (at least in this thread, and if it was in a previous post, I've deleted it) any information on his platform. In the absence of details about the processor, clock speed, OS version, amount of installed memory, and sound card and driver, are we not guessing as to reasons for the behavior he describes? I remember an episode of latency, I think when I upgraded from 2k1 to 2k2 (or maybe from 2k2 to 2k3), and it was quickly fixed by upping the amount of memory, though I don't necessarily mean to imply that this is the problem in this case.

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