In response to Johannes and Vern:

I also experience this behavior in 2K7, though I find it only mildly annoying. There are other problems, and the communication with the support staff has deteriorated markedly since MM has gone to the web based system. It is not only "mechanically" more difficult to communicate, but the quality of the responses are sometimes dismally off the subject, requiring a request that they go back an reread the submission, so that they understand the question. This has happened too often to be an accident, and I can only conclude that the quality of the support staff has fallen.

I have a problem loading a Document Options library (on a Mac). When I load a correctly (I believe) saved library, most of the font selections are lost - wrong fonts are substituted, requiring me to correct them and practically destroying the advantage of being able to load a Document Options Library. Has anyone else experienced this? Could it be some kind of corruption on my system? I thought that MM had acknowledged this (on the Mac side), but they now claim that they were referring to something else, and the communication with them has become so obtuse that I no longer know what's going on.

Attempts to communicate with MM have become more frustrating than they are worth.


Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

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