On 12-Mar-07, at 11:55 AM, Leigh Daniels wrote:

Hello all,

I'm arranging some jazz pieces for a quintet which includes viola and
tenor trombone. What are the  keys that players of those instruments
tend to enjoy playing in the most?

At 12:52 PM -0400 3/12/07, Christopher Smith wrote:
Trombonists don't really care, as there are no real technical difficulties from one key to the next (unless you are low) though most of them like band keys like C to Ab, but this is just what shows up a lot.

Violists, on the other hand, tend to play better in sharper keys, as lots of flats put them in half positions, say from C to E or so.

[I don't understand the "C to E or so" since those are on the sharp side!]

Hi, Leigh and Christopher. As someone who plays both, allow me to chime in. Christopher is correct as far as it goes, but those limitations (or tendencies or whatever you want to call them) apply to beginners rather than to professionals, with everyone else sitting somewhere on a continuum between the two end points.

A better question, Leigh, might be, in what keys do the instruments SOUND the best. For viola, that means keys in which the open strings can resonate, and you start losing open strings with the notes C# on the sharp side and Ab on the flat side, with each additional sharp or flat taking away one more open string. But in fact, violists can play with equal facility in ANY keys, and the 19th century composers forced us to do exactly that!

Now if I had to choose between 6 sharps and 6 flats, I'd go with 6 sharps, because Christopher is correct in that in sightreading the flats force the hand into half position, while the sharps do not.

As to trombone, there's no theoretical preference for keys, even taking into account that the instrument's home key is Bb, but note this: there are no difficult notes or slide positions, but there ARE difficult combinations of slide positions, especially those involving 5th position (although a good player will use plenty of alternate positions to reduce those difficult combinations).

So write in whatever key you want, and leave it up to us to play it!!!!


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034
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