does anyone here know anything about this programme? there isn't much info about what it can actually do, or how it compares to finale / sibelius / noteability.

examples they offer are nothing worse than examples i've seen of finale or sibelius "out of the box". these bits alternately worry me and make me laugh:

1989 Le logiciel BERLIOZ est capable de produire des partitions d'une qualité jamais égalée" (berlioz is capable of producing scores of an unequalled quality) 2003 BERLIOZ fait les plus belles partitions." (B makes the most beautiful scores)

uuuuuh, hey guys, guess what... the programme doesn't make the score, it's user does...

A la différence de ses concurrents, il possède peu d'automatismes pour laisser une liberté totale dans le graphisme et la personnalisation. (contrary to competitors B has few automatisms, allowing total liberty in graphic design [of the score] and personalisation)

does this mean there are no shortcuts to better apply repetitive tasks?


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