I felt like saying nearly the same words to Andrew, also, but I appreciated reading his post, because he makes such good arguments - including that excellent Louvre guard line which I had not heard before.


Darcy James Argue wrote:

Why are you wasting your time? Of course Phil wants to go there. His musical tastes ossified at age seven, and he's actually proud of that fact. I feel rather sorry for him that he's grown so attached to his blinkers, but, what'cha gonna do?


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 25 May 2007, at 10:46 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

On May 25, 2007, at 7:04 PM, Phil Daley wrote:

I agree.  But if it's non-tonal, it's not good.

Really? Berg's violin concerto is not good? Wozzeck and Lulu are not good? *All* of Varèse is not good? Three of the four movements of Ives' fourth symphony are not good? Pierrot Lunaire and Erwartung are not good?

Are you *sure* you want to go there?

--The story is told of a visitor to the Louvre who struck up a conversation w. the security guard, criticizing this painting and that, finding fault with all and satisfied with none. Finally the guard could take no more of this and said "Pardonnez moi, monsieur, but it is not the *pictures* that are on trial here."

--A word to the wise.

And another thing: non-tonal and atonal are not synonyms. Most music, in fact, is non-tonal: Medieval and Renaissance music, non-Western music (all of it), rock music... Being charitable, I assume your blanket condemnation does not extend to any of these musics, but is limited to that properly called atonal. Even that puts you *way* out on a limb.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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