Darcy James Argue wrote:

Why are you wasting your time? Of course Phil wants to go there. His musical tastes ossified at age seven, and he's actually proud of that fact. I feel rather sorry for him that he's grown so attached to his blinkers, but, what'cha gonna do?

I never look on these discussions as wasting time, because blinders can be broken off. I know that I've had several sets (maybe even more than several) torn off because of such discussions, when I've found that I really was making stupid arguments trying to defend my positions and eventually had to admit that my positions had no merit and I actually began to look past where my blinders had been and ended up very grateful for gaining new insights which helped me grow as a musician and as a person.

And I love to read the various anecdotes and citations and the logic presented (even if I don't agree with it) on both sides of a debate.

I personally find much of value in these discussions, even if most participants never change their minds.

David H. Bailey
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