I haven't been reading everything in this thread, but I will throw in that I had some strange sounds from GPO and HP that I discovered were a strange implementation of hairpin playback. I reduced the hairpin effect, but in some cases I also eliminated some hairpins for the playback file.

Raymond Horton

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Good sequence of questions...

At 06:51 AM 7/2/2007 -0400, dhbailey wrote:
In your clip it sounds like an extra note is being played -- you don't have any hidden notes which might be there for spacing issues but not for display, do you?

No. When this happened before (with any HP issue), that was my first check
-- including dynamic markings or expressions that might hold hidden
conflicting information. I checked with this, too, but it was just two
plain vanilla notes.

When James Gilbert mentioned that it sounds like a bad wave file being played, I thought it might simply be distortion, but your file sounds like another note.

That's what it seems to be -- some other pitch appearing or a strange loop
or beating. But there's nothing in the output Midi data to suggest that.
And the HP-created Midi file works fine in Sonar.

In Sonar, perhaps you should look at the file in either staff view or piano-roll view and see if there is another note-on/note-off pair showing up.

If I take a fresh measure of the same time signature and enter the same
material with the same instruments, it happens again in the new measure.
That's what I meant earlier that I couldn't delete the measure and paste in
a new one.

But on the other hand, if it plays fine with the soundfont and not with GPO, it's pretty clear the problem is with GPO or with the Kontakt player.

Seems it's a destructive symbiosis of some kind -- but HP is involved
somehow, too.

Do you get the same blatting if you use for example a GPO cello patch instead of trombone? Trying that might help troubleshoot whether it's the music, the patch, the player or some black-magic combination of them all.

The black magic it is. No, it didn't happen with other patches this time,
but I believe it has happened with other patches before (can't be certain).
Even if it does, the trombone seems to be the one most affected; it's the
one that also happened recently on another piece.

You didn't mention if you tried the file using GPO but with HP turned off -- trying that might help troubleshoot the problem also.

It's not there with HP off, but that's not a certain diagnosis, because it
blatts differently or not at all (swing, for example) depending on the HP
selected, it blatts differently or not at all with a measure with a
different time signature, it blatts differently or not at all with only one
note sounding. It also happens in one other place in this score, but it's
too quiet to worry about.

The whole combination of HP, Garritan, and Kontakt does strange things.
Sometimes it gets confused during playback and creates a chaos of material
being played simultaneously from other places in a score. That's always fun
when I'm recording the final demo.



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