Best idea would be to purchase Roxio Toast and avoid using Disk Utility to make CDRs and stuff

Tahnks Eric; unfortunately, it's much more than the library files for
Garritan; all the Finale wav files that were loaded into Soundtrack to do
the mixing and create final demos lived there, and there was
over 2 hours of music there, and to re-save as all those would represent
hundreds of man-hours, etc.. It's nuts. Foolish me for rushing this
morning. BAD IDEA! Am wondering if there is a way to LOCK the drive (I
know I can lock individual files on the drive to avoid accidental
deletion or erasure) to insure that if I have another brain failure i
won't make my life miserable again. I'm going to explore the situation
when i get home tonight and see what I can see. Thanks to all for your
suggestions: am welcoming more advice if anyone has it. I need to learn
how to use my firewire for a routine back up as well so I don't let it go
when I get preoccupied.

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