Well said, Raymond--but no apologies necessary, IMO.

Your post was RIGHT ON.

Peace, Bob Morabito

On Tuesday, August 7, 2007, at 06:23 PM, Raymond Horton wrote:

OK, fine:

I apologize for trying to speak for everyone. That was wrong of me. This is sincere. I should have said:

"I was on your side for a while, but it was time to drop it."

(Actually, I don't know who was right and who was wrong, I wasn't reading any of the stuff except I saw where the other guy said David was telling a blind guy to do the tutorials and when he said "F you" - I was just trying to make the other guy feel better because he was obviously upset and he must not have been used to David yet like most of us are.)

And I apologize for suggesting that we drop this. I think it will be much better if we keep this ridiculous thread going for a month or two. This is not sincere.

Everybody happy now?


David W. Fenton wrote:
On 7 Aug 2007 at 20:45, Raymond Horton wrote:

Let's drop it

Funny how when you're on the receiving end of the criticism, you feel it's time to drop it, but when you're delivering the criticism, you want unfettered freedom to speak.

Funny how that works.

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