On 7 Aug 2007 at 23:20, Bob Morabito wrote:

> On Tuesday, August 7, 2007, at 07:35 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > On 7 Aug 2007 at 21:55, Bob Morabito wrote:
> >
> >> and the lets drop it is for EVERYONE'S benefit..including YOU.
> >
> > How many times have I posted on the subject in the last 48 hours?
> (and this STILL continues..??)
> Haven't counted. This is at least one--

Three for me.

> Why?

Because you're complaining about a thread being dragged out and YOU 
are the one who is picking at the scab. 

I had already said all I had to say. But this evening's 
efflourescence of self-congratulatory and lecturing posts prompted me 
to point out how ridiculous it is to complain about a discussion 
continuing to last when it is only lasting because *you* (and a 
handful of others) are drawing it out.

> > And you?
> I've posted as many time as was/is necessary to  defend a man with a
> brain tumor that YOU continually and unfairly picked on, who FINALLY
> stood up for himself.

No, that's simply not true. The vast majority of your posts this 
evening have not been in defense of Will at all -- instead you (and 
your 2 fellow travellers) have been telling everybody to just quit 

> I don't condone his use of vulgarity..but he was PUSHED...and
> reacted..

In what way was he pushed? I didn't reply to his obscenity, because 
there was nothing to reply to (as also seemed to me to be the case 
with many of his Finale-related questions).

> > And in exactly how many posts did I use profanity or masked
> > profanity?
> None that I've seen...but in a very short time, I have seen you rag on
> him, and scold someone else, attacking people WITHOUT using profanity,
> which is VERY unkind,  disrespectful, and upsetting to people.

You have very, very thin skin and don't appear to have been around 
the Internet for very long. 

> What is your point?
> You're NOT the  wounded party here, but the instigator.

There was no wounded party here -- just someone who chose to get 
offended when he was called on something.

You are the one who has cast this entire discussion as a war, a 
battle. You're the one using words like:

  rag on

These are conflict words where there was no conflict -- only two 
sides of a discussion.

No Finale list post has ever sent anyone to the hospital.

> > I don't know why you're so worked up over this. You've responded to
> > the substantive posts that I've made, and now you're nattering on
> > about how we should end the thread. And about how we should end the
> > thread. And then about how we should end the thread. And
> > furthermore, about how we should end the thread, not to mention how
> > we should end the thread.
> Im simply upset that someone would act the way you have--



What are you accomplishing by posting over and over and over and over 
and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and 
over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over 
and over and over again about the subject to the list?

You're certainly not changing *me*, and so far as I can tell, you're 
only making yourself look bad.

(I probably don't have any risk of losing reputation, as, like 
Hillary Clinton, I'm well-known enough that everyone already has a 
fixed opinion!)

> And I cant and won't stand by when anyone--including MYSELF--is 
> attacked.

I didn't attack anyone.

> Especially someone with a brain tumor, with resiidual effects,.. and
> those that cant defend themselves.

These are all excuses for his behavior. Many people on this list have 
various challenges they have to overcome, but they don't use them to 
try to win arguments.

As to defense, you said that his obscenity outburst was his defense. 
Was it a defense was it an unwarranted response?

In any event -- these are words. 

Any the words of mine that prompted such an outburst were pretty 
carefully measured and mostly directed at factual matters. If you get 
upset about facts, then you have a problem (either you can change the 
facts or you can't; if you can't, there's no point in getting upset; 
if you *can*, then change them, rather then getting all bent out of 

> > If you'd stop repeatedly insisting that we end the thread, the
> > thread would have died a natural death at least 12 hours ago.
> Wrong David, If the post was going to end, it would have ALREADY, and
> I wouldn't have needed to respond .

What? Post? Thread? What are you talking about?

You don't actually NEED to respond to any post.


Nor do I.

But when you *choose* to do so it says something about your 

You seem to be unable to let the whole thing go.

I was happy to do so.

(and right now, the thread is not on the original subject, anyway)

This is yet another case, as we've all seen so many times, where the 
complaints about a thread produce a flurry of posts that exceed the 
volume of the original discussion itself.

> It wasn't right that you were cursed at--and Im sorry that happened,

I really couldn't care less, to be honest. I'm not that sensitive 
(and can't imagine why anyone should be).

> and in different circumstances I would have been right there defending
> you.

Thank you no -- I have no need of your defense (nor anyone else's).

> But this whole thing, IMO, and others, is ON YOU....so PLEASE let it
> go.

I've been expecting you to let it go all day today, but you just keep 
posting over and over and over and over and over and over and over 
and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and 
over and over and over again (and adding nothing new).

> NOT because I asked..but because its the right thing to do, and is WAY
> too long going on.

You should compare your relative posting volume in this discussion 
today (or throughout the whole thing) to mine and I think you'll 
notice something.

> Everyone should be able to ask questions WITHOUT someone picking on
> them.

So, if I asked a question about the kikes or the niggers that would 
be just hunky dory with you?

No, it wouldn't -- because some things violate the social compact of 
a community. Will taxed the patience of a number of people when he 
seemed unwilling to take the advice the community offered him 
repeatedly. That's a "sin" against the community that, while not 
necessarily punishable by being cast into the outer darkness, does 
not win you any points.

Nobody likes the people who natter on and on and on and on and on 
about how threds should be dropped, either.

But now I've put myself in a near category, the people who complain 
about the complainers, so I'll just stop now.

And you're welcome to have the last word.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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