On Tuesday, August 7, 2007, at 07:35 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

On 7 Aug 2007 at 21:55, Bob Morabito wrote:

and the lets drop it is for EVERYONE'S benefit..including YOU.

How many times have I posted on the subject in the last 48 hours?

(and this STILL continues..??)

Haven't counted. This is at least one--


And you?

I've posted as many time as was/is necessary to defend a man with a brain tumor that YOU continually and unfairly picked on, who FINALLY stood up for himself.

I don't condone his use of vulgarity..but he was PUSHED...and reacted..

And in exactly how many posts did I use profanity or masked

None that I've seen...but in a very short time, I have seen you rag on him, and scold someone else, attacking people WITHOUT using profanity, which is VERY unkind, disrespectful, and upsetting to people.

What is your point?

You're NOT the  wounded party here, but the instigator.

I don't know why you're so worked up over this. You've responded to
the substantive posts that I've made, and now you're nattering on
about how we should end the thread. And about how we should end the
thread. And then about how we should end the thread. And furthermore,
about how we should end the thread, not to mention how we should end
the thread.

Im simply upset that someone would act the way you have--

And I cant and won't stand by when anyone--including MYSELF--is attacked.

Especially someone with a brain tumor, with resiidual effects,.. and those that cant defend themselves.

If you'd stop repeatedly insisting that we end the thread, the thread
would have died a natural death at least 12 hours ago.

Wrong David, If the post was going to end, it would have ALREADY, and I wouldn't have needed to respond .

It wasn't right that you were cursed at--and Im sorry that happened, and in different circumstances I would have been right there defending you.

But this whole thing, IMO, and others, is ON YOU....so PLEASE let it go.

NOT because I asked..but because its the right thing to do, and is WAY too long going on.

Everyone should be able to ask questions WITHOUT someone picking on them.

Thank you, David

Peace, Bob Morabito

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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