On Oct 15, 2007, at 7:17 AM, dhbailey wrote:

I don't think MakeMusic would dissolve the Speedy Entry tool were it the preferred tool of choice for a huge majority of its users, probably taking its lead from corporate users who purchase large numbers of site licenses, who may not be using Speedy Entry at all.

I sent a panicked message to MakeMusic when the rumour first started circulating that Speedy was to be eliminated in favour of Simple. According to the response I received, what they are thinking of is COMBINING the two tools, with the functionality of both and no loss of commands whatsoever. Furthermore, it is not certain.

I just hope they don't dick with it too much. I have so much investment in Speedy that any little change could slow me right down. There was a minor change in Speedy behaviour somewhere around 2004 that screwed me up completely. I used to tie notes across barlines by entering too large a value, then hitting "Move extra notes to next measure". This would be selected by default after the first time, so it would make things fast when dealing with the large number of anticipations that you get in jazz music. However, when I do that in later versions, Speedy stops "listening" to the MIDI keyboard while "moving" the extra notes, so if I have a repeated pitch I get a rest instead of a note on the next entry, even though I am still holding the MIDI key down. This caused many problems for six months or so, especially if I rarely looked at the screen while entering music.

Another area where I lost an important function in a new version is clearing Staff Styles. The Clear key (on Mac) used to work for that, but in 2008 it doesn't. I have to target each Staff Style one at a time and right-click and select Clear from the drop-down menu, which is considerably slower than the previous single keystroke.


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