Aaron Sherber wrote:
At 07:11 AM 10/15/2007, dhbailey wrote:
Finale has acknowledged that it is getting rid of the Speedy Entry
tool, incorporating aspects of it into other tools.

I don't believe this is true. Christopher Smith said that an MM
employee told him that they are "thinking of combining the two tools,
with the functionality of both and no loss of commands whatsoever."
Unless you have other information, it's a long leap from this to
acknowledging getting rid of Speedy.

Here is a message Christopher posted about this issue, back on August 8th:

dhbailey wrote:
This indeed is very disturbing news -- why a company would take a
(until recently) perfectly good working tool in an application, one
which many people have grown to depend upon, and which even the
company used to tout as the preferred tool for anything other than
novice or very casual users, and then intentionally phase it out
escapes my ability to understand.

Here is a reply I got in response to my question whether they were
going to drop Speedy:

Dear Christopher,

Thanks for your comments. At this point no decisions have been made
for what will and what will not be done in any future version, other
than there will be future versions. I can say that any changes of
functionality like this, where tools are removed like what happened
in Finale 2008 with MassEdit, that tool's functionality will be moved
as completely as possible to another tool. We are very sensitive to
the views and work flows of our users, and we know that Speedy Entry
is invaluable to most of our more proficient users (as well as a
favorite to many of the Finale users who work here at MakeMusic). I
know that this is not a "we will never do this" answer you were
probably hoping for, but I do want you to rest assured that if
anything happens with Speedy Entry, it's functionality will remain in
the program.

Phil H. MakeMusic Customer Support

_______________________________________________ Finale mailing list Finale@shsu.edu http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

phrases such as "where tools are removed" and "if anything happens with Speedy Entry it's functionality will remain in the program" sure indicate to me that the possibility exists that it might be removed.

I will admit that it isn't the same as what I said, that they are acknowledging that they will get rid of it, but it sure sounds to me like a backhanded way of saying that it's a strong possibility.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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