Sometimes contacting the CEO gets you results. Contacting Steve Jobs of Apple has resulted, sometimes, in people getting products replaced overnight. There are a lot of documented cases of this.

I think the general frustration level with MakeMusic has reached a head for a lot of people, causing some to switch to Sibelius, and some to refuse to upgrade to the latest version. Appealing to the CEO might, maybe, with 1000/1 odds, get their attention, and cause them to act.

Jari Williamsson wrote:
Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
They can say anything to the CEO,
too. But getting the attention of top-level officers to the overall
problem of a company that is losing long-term customers because of a
defective product -- that can matter. Those top-level folks are the only
people who can act.

How do you know the overall problem of a company?

And I still don't understand why contacting (and get a response from) the CEO is crucial. From the CEO's POV, MM as a company would survive without Finale. IMO, it would be much better to contact the manager for the notation products.

No answer, not even a "thank you for your note," effectively proves to me
that the company's CEO knows the product is done for, and that MakeMusic
is paralyzed to do anything except issue their yearly subscription and
hope for the best in following Sibelius as long as it can.

If you can read that much into a reply you didn't get, I must say you have a very good imagination or you're psychic in some way.

their precipitous failures in recent years.

It has nothing to do with recent years. Over the 10+ years I've been using Finale, there has always been the same kind of arguments: Will there be a new version? Is Coda/MM going down? Will there be any updates? Why don't they officially visit the user forums? Why is the new version so buggy? Why do they only include features noone wants and not the features I need? And so on.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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