Don't know. I haven't tried that. You can re-map a lot of things but that strikes me as one that might not work. I'll play a little and let you know what I find. I agree it seems a little unusual but remember that if the zoom is set for page width the entire length of the page won't be displayed so that way you get both horizontal and vertical movement.


David W. Fenton wrote:
On 28 Nov 2007 at 17:24, Richard Smith wrote:

With apologies for answering Sibelius questions on the Finale list, just set the page view to page width (or so). Then "home" will go to the previous page, "end" to the next page, while adding shift will go to the first and last pages respectively. The page up and page down keys should get you up and down the page as needed.

Can these be mapped in Sibelius (without QuickKeys or something similar) to keys that make more sense? That is, something like PageUp/Down navigates you from one page to the next, home/end takes to the top and bottom of the current page, Ctrl-PageUp/Down or Ctrl-
Home/End takes you to first/last page.

Using PageUp/Down for anything but moving from one page to the other seems to me to make little sense at all.

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