OK, on my Windows XP system I can get playback (MIDI or Garritan) or input from my Creative Prodikeys DM keyboard (combo computer and midi keyboard), (depending on which software I have reinstalled last) but not both.

After using the Prodigy keyboard with no problem for a few years, I shut the computer down for a week to leave town in early June. When I returned, I started having some problems with the computer which were eventually solved with a new power supply. But these midi-Finale-Prodikeys problems have remained.

The computer part of keyboard works with no problem.

Before receiving the new 2009 DVD, I tried reinstalling both the Prodikeys software and Finale. After the former, starting Finale results in this message: "The specified device handle is invalid." Finale then loads with no sound or midi input. This error message is one I recognize from days gone past when i would accidentally be running a midi sequencer and open Finale on top of it. It would require a reboot to fix. It seems to suppose that the Prodikeys is running some kind of midi program that Finale does not agree with, but i cannot locate one.

Reinstalling Finale 2008 would gain me playback, but no recognition of the Prodikeys midi keyboard - it does not show up on the midi setup.

Right now, after reinstalling the Prodikeys and installing Fin 2009, I get the above error message when I start Finale, and I _do_ see the Prodigy showing in the Midi setup (although, of course, it doesn't work!).

Thanks for any advice offered.

Raymond Horton
Finale mailing list

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