On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 11:15 AM, David W. Fenton

> If this is true, I'm not sure why this is seen as a problem, given
> that Finale itself has never had backward compatibility of file
> format. What exactly do you mean by "will only work with 2009?"

I think he has it reversed. SmartMusic files created in Finale 2009 are only
read by SmartMusic 11. So, there was like a month or so lag between Finale
2009 being released and SmartMusic being able to read the files it creates.

> > It may work with the no-longer-free NOTEPAD 2009, though.
> >
> > These guys really know how to annoy folks.
> I don't know what the problem is. That there's no longer a free
> method of creating Smartmusic files?
> If it weren't for Smartmusic, would MM still be in business at all?

Good question......
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