On 23 Sep 2008 at 4:56, dhbailey wrote:

> How is the balance between the two development teams, 
> though?  Has SmartMusic received more engineers than the 
> notation team, or is the notation team the larger of the two?

David, I just don't think this is any of your business. Software 
development is not an assembly line, where the more workers on each 
line, the more widgets get produced. It would not surprise me if at 
certain parts of the SmartMusic development cycle (e.g, the very 
beginning, or the start of a new release) all the Finale developers 
worked on parts of SM, or vice versa. That's the smart thing to do, 
i.e., moving developers back and forth between your two product 
lines, rather than having everyone devoted slavishly to one or the 
other. It gives you the flexibility to take on really big projects, 
as well as cross-trains your developers so they can work where 

It's really not any or your business how MM allocates its employees.

And even if they told you, it still wouldn't necessarily indicate 
anything at all about the relative priorities MM is placing on the 
two product lines.

And it just seems rather rude of you to assume you can peer into 
their shop and tell pontificate about whether they are doing the 
right thing in allocating developer resources.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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