That seriously disappoints me, especially after Allen's comment about how the TGTools is developed by Tobias, implying that Finale has no responsibility to ensure that TGTools works with the product.

I'm sorry, but if MakeMusic is shipping something with Finale2009, it is despicable that they didn't ensure that it all works together and totally unacceptable. It makes me extra glad that I didn't waste my money on Fin2009!

What are the people at MakeMusic thinking? that nobody ever uses plugins, so it's alright to ship things which don't work?

I realize there's a lot about business which I'll never understand, but this is something which I do understand and underscores the MakeMusic mantra "We got the product out the door on time, even it didn't work -- yippee!"

Was there something in the readme that I missed with the release of Finale2009 where MakeMusic apologizes for these incompatibilities and explains that they are working with the developers to ensure a speedy update which will include versions of the plug-ins which will work properly? I read all that I could find at the web-site concerning the release of Fin2009 and I didn't see anything about the incompatible plug-ins.

Or is is simply that nobody at MakeMusic bothered to try out the plug-ins to see if they worked?

In any event, it's a sad commentary on the company.

Imagine that, even with more developers than ever, they still can't get the big things right.


David "I'm glad I didn't upgrade" Bailey

Darcy James Argue wrote:
David, your suspicion is incorrect. It's like Eric said, the version of TGTools Lite that shipped with Finale 2009 includes an Align/Move Dynamics function that is incompatible with Finale 2009. The Patterson Lite plugins included with Fin2009 also have compatibility problems, although the latest full version of the Patterson Plugins does work.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On Sep 23, 2008, at 5:00 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Eric Dannewitz wrote:
But don't you bundle TG Tools with Finale 2009? Isn't Align/Move Dynamics in
there and I hear it doesn't work properly anymore in Finale 2009.
So........might want to look into that........
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 8:08 PM, Allen Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
TG Tools is written by Tobias Giesen. Not us.

I suspect that if the Align/Move Dynamics plug-in is included with Finale2009, it would work properly. What people are complaining about is the set of plug-ins called TGTools, which is a bundle separate from the plug-ins included with the shipping product.

David H. Bailey
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