>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of David W. Fenton
>Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 1:36 PM
>To: finale@shsu.edu
>Subject: Re: [Finale] SmartScore Lite Problem
>On 22 Nov 2008 at 16:16, David W. Fenton wrote:
>> I think I'm going to use
>> SharpEye for now and see how bad the pastes are.
>Well, it turns out the SharpEye trial allows you to scan 
>multiple pages, so it seems it's going to work fairly well.
>However, I must say the user interface is completely 
>abominable -- it looks like it was designed in 1993 and not 
>updated since.

Yes, that was my experience. No shortcuts, just lots of mousing back and
forth to pick tools to clean errors. Very inefficient.

>But it's *very* frustrating application in terms of how badly 
>designed it is.
>I'm simply not going to spend money on a program that is so 
>hard to use, especially when, apparently, the new version of 
>SSL in recent versions of Finale is good enough.
>But it did save me time for the current project, given that I don't
>*have* a recent version of SSL (and I don't recall if new 
>versions of SSL import lyrics or not).

Working from a piano plus voice score I found it took me far longer to clean
up errors in SharpEye than entering notes from scratch. Not ready for
primetime yet.

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