At 7:38 PM -0400 9/13/09, Christopher Smith wrote:
in response to John (with the greatest respect!)

The alternative to "play 8" is not just pages black with notes. Bars with slashes are perfectly acceptable (once, as you said, the initial feel is established) with cues over top in small notes and stop time indicated with stemmed slashes. This way of proceeding does not make the part more complex, just more readable and editable by the drummer.

I take your point, if making the part editable is one goal. But using slashes never occurred to me. I would normally use ditto marks (1-bar repeats), but more often lately blank bars instead, which would give the same in combination with a written instruction. And I seldom use "Play 8"; rather something like "Play 8 same" for an established pattern, perhaps with a changed dynamic.


John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
Virginia Tech Department of Music
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034

"We never play anything the same way once."  Shelly Manne's definition
of jazz musicians.
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