
this is certainly an interesting discussion. And I tend to agree with both
sides - earlier I have not done anything else to the drum part than making
it look good and try to compress similar measures as far as possible.
Perhaps 8 or 12 bars per system or whatever - the main thing is that all
musicians and perhaps especially the drummer get a good view over the
chart. I do prefer this way of designing my charts and specifically the
drum part.

But I was explicitely asked to do a compressed version and I said that
I'll try. Another Finale challenge...why not try at least?

What I did was to extract the drum part, erasing measures and do some text
editing. It was pretty straightforward and did not take too much time but
I can see three distinct drawbacks with this approach:
- Later editing will be troublesome. I might have to redo the entire part
or at least make changes in two places
- Measure numbers - forget it
- It is totally up to me to make the number of measures etc correct. Great
risks for human err!

If anyone is interested in the results I have the original drum part
downloadable here:

and the "compressed" version:

Anyway my two original questions remain:
1) how to achieve the "compressed" version in a reasonably clever way with
Finale (I got a tip from Robert Patterson on the list yesterday, I will
try that in a few moments). Not using the extract part option.
2) Why edits to MM rests do not persist. When having document option |
Multimeasure rests | Update automatically turned on then just e. g.
switching between parts and score makes any edits disappear. When having
the option turned off, then they persist until I execute a "Multimeasure
rests | Create for parts/score"...


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