Yep I can understand this frustration and I am not too irritated with all
the criticism I see from time to time. Perhaps a little surprised how many
people on this list who seem to prefer Sibelius instead...

But I agree that a list like this should give room for other issues than
strict technical questions. I admit that I enjoy some of the more amusing
and sometimes sarcastic messages...

> So if you have a question, ask away!  :-)

Come to think of it, and in the area of bugs, actually I do. I have seen a
problem both in Fin 2007 and now in Fin 2010 that I haven't seen mentioned
on this list and I haven't asked the question myself. In fact, I have
talked with some people and noone has acknowledged to have seen the
problem. Perhaps there is something I don't understand...

It is simply regarding disappearing accidentals. It happens (rarely) that
a specific note is not shown with any accidental although it is there: it
plays correctly, and when changing the note with +/- to lower or raise the
note it really happens soundwise and again plays correctly but no
accidental is shown at all. There is no difference between the score and
the part - if the accidental disappears in the score is also gone in the

The problem is minor (provided that you discover it before distributing
the result!), it does not happen often and is simply solved by erasing a
note and putting it back again. So therefore I haven't taken the time to
ask about it.

But now since you provoce me... ;-) Anyone having seen this?


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