hey any tips would be welcome. i'm trying to improve the speed of finale and my computer, i'm on a mac mini (1.42) and will be probably for another year or so until i get a fast new machine.

finale 2010 seems a bit more of a hog than 2008, and i really noticed it on a recent job, a score using metatool-applied shape expressions, and therefore the shape selection palette had like 7000 (or some other obscene number) copies of various things, mostly identical (this functioning is one of the things i hate about finale, just thought you should know).

i have removed many plugins i don't use already, but is there anything else that can be done to make things run faster? working in scroll view is supposed to be faster, but i don't find that working in scroll view works very well, for my needs, since everything i place on the page is intended to be the final version and not need to ever be moved, except in the final cleanup of the score/layout.

is there anything i can disenable, rearrange, switch or whatever to improve the performance in general of finale?

anything system-related would also be appreciated. i'm cleaning out the HD and usually try to keep as few apps open as possible while working on finale. also making an effort to reboot more often, like at least once a week 8-)


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