David W. Fenton wrote:
On 21 Oct 2009 at 19:10, Ray Horton wrote:

Should I run the huge Tuesday update or DL the new, lean, Thursday update and run it instead? Or are they the same file?

I would say that it's 99.99% sure that it's the same file, and the only difference in the download time is either that fewer people were attempting the download on Tuesday, or that MM contracted for some help in serving up the downloads (such as using Akamai's load- balancing services). I think it's highly improbable that the later update is a smaller file.

I think that if it were a different file, there would have been notification that MM had updated it.

Same file. It downloaded about a hundred times faster for me next day, probably because I had about a hundredth of the peers downloading it at the same time as I had the previous day.



Thanks David and Christopher.  I'll install it with bells on.

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