On Fri Oct 23, at FridayOct 23 6:29 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Christopher Smith wrote:
Er, tech support != developers.
Then how come I keep getting responses back from tech support that such-and-such a question will be passed on to the developers? Internally at MakeMusic the two are not the same at all.

I believe that when David typed "!=" he was implying "not equal to."

Okay, good thing I have a David to David translator here, then. ;-)

Here's the original exchange:

On 22 Oct 2009 at 13:43, Christopher Smith wrote:

On Thu Oct 22, at ThursdayOct 22 8:20 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:

3. you can bet that there is only very seldom a bug discovered by end
users that is not already known by the Finale developers.


I must be really, really lucky (or unlucky), or the developers don't
tell the tech support people what they know, because easily 2/3 of
the issues I report are previously unknown to tech support.

Er, tech support != developers.

So then my SECOND postulation is most likely correct? Sigh.

What must the developers be thinking then, when there are all these clients and tech support people squawking and running around like headless chickens trying to pinpoint a behaviour, when some communication and documentation could prevent a lot of time and verbiage from being wasted? I am just trying to understand all this and keep from having an early coronary.


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