I just keep my finger on the escape key - the most used key in finale for me anyway. Personally I would find it problematic if it changed back to the selection tool because how does the appl know if you've finished doing what you're doing?

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On 29/10/2009, at 9:46 PM, dhbailey <dhbai...@davidbaileymusicstudio.com> wrote:

Chuck Israels wrote:
It selects almost anything on the page and allows superficial edits (like moving expressions and articulations) and then expands into the particular tool you need to do more exacting edits. This is more difficult to describe than to experience. It is a forward step. I bet there are videos in the demo version.

The one thing I don't like about the new selection tool is that if you start out using the selection tool, use it to fully edit something so that a different tool opens up, when you're finished with that editing, the program doesn't go back to having the selection tool active. So whatever tool you were most recently working in (activated by the selection tool) remains active, and I find it disconcerting because mentally I was working in the selection tool and expect to still be working with the selection tool once I finish some specific task I started with the selection tool.

It's a petty gripe but it's something I find bothersome.

David H. Bailey
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