On 2010/01/03, at 11:35, Craig Parmerlee wrote:

> My only interest in the realistic playback is to help me catch errors and 
> improve the flow of the arrangements.

I am the same way, but I never wanted drum part to playback for this purpose.  
I mute them.

> I suppose a top flight drummer is supposed to know how to play a "bossa with 
> 2-3 son clave", but I'd rather just write it out for them so there is no 
> confusion.

I hope I am not offending you, but drummers I work with will scream if they see 
bossa and clave in the same sentence.  It will screw their time feel badly.  If 
you are trying to write bossa with emphasis, I'd specify the style better, 
i.e., Partito Alto, Afoxé, etc. (granted, they are more like samba - I just 
realized bossa is bossa!).  I only write out drum notation for funk tunes since 
there isn't much global definition of funk when it comes to synching with bass 
line.  Oh, yea, I sometime write out the bass line for drummer as well :-)

- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Greater Boston
http://a-no-ne.com   http://anonemusic.com

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