Here's something you can do if you keep the score and parts linked.

For the chorus PART, make the lyrics the size you like. Duplicate the chorus staves, copy the contents, and make the font the size you want in the score. Hide the staves inthe score you are using for the chorus PART, using optimisation (you may need TG Tools for that).

This way you have the effect of having two different font sizes, one for the parts, one for the score.

That being said, I try to put the lyrics large enough to read in the score. 6.5 is too small for me. Score spacing is wider for a score than for parts, so the different spacing problems are much less, IMO.


On Sat Jan 9, at SaturdayJan 9 7:54 PM, Ryan wrote:


Just curious if any of you have a limit on the minimum size of lyrics in a
score, or if there's a general rule of thumb I should follow.

I'm preparing a score with lyrics set at 13 point. I'm using a system
reduction of 50%, giving me a "real" size of 6.5 point. While I feel it's proportional to the size of the music, it's not very legible to a conductor who's trying to lead the orchestra and chorus. But, I'm curious if it really matters to the conductor. The choral parts will be larger, and I doubt the
chorus master would use the full score to rehearse.

I could bump up the lyric size to 16 point, giving me a "real" size of 8 point. But since the choral octavo is linked to the score, the lyrics will be too large. I could use a fixed point size, but I'm not happy with how
Finale spaces lyrics of a fixed point size.

Should I not worry about the conductor's eyes, or is there a solution to the

Thanks for your help

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