On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Andrew Stiller <kalli...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> "Are you saying the effect is impossible? If so, I can cite numerous
> recordings from major composers proving you wrong. If it's not impossible,
> then  what are you saying? That  it's beneath your dignity, or that you are
> personally incapable of performing it? I *thought* I was writing for a
> professional."

That is a scene I would have enjoyed watching. I hasten to add it
would almost certainly have ended very badly for the performance of
your piece, but it would definitely have made for some grand theater.

The effect does *not* produce enough sound to project off the stage
unless you do something besides merely "blow air through the
instrument". Inverting the mouthpiece is imo the most effective way to
make it project, and it has the added bonus of being easy to control
in a wide dynamic range. Obviously ymmv.
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