At 19:08 -0400 07/05/10, dhbailey wrote:
>Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:
>>Yes, I do have a copy "saved as". I said that on my post. It gives the same 
>>error. All three files give the same error: the main file, the ".asv" copy 
>>and the "saved as" copy. It seems as if although the file was still open, it 
>>was already corrupted when both copies were made.
>Have you rebooted your computer since that started happening?
>I don't know Macs at all, but I do recall reading about having Mac users 
>"trash their preferences" as a solution to several different problems, and 
>perhaps that might help here?  Just a thought.

I did reboot, I trashed the preferences file, I repaired the permissions. I 
also had a fourth back up copy on an external disk which also gives me the same 
error. All together there are four copies of documents corrupted, showing the 
same error (-39) and they all are zero KB. I did back up my work, because this 
happened before, but it seems it is no use backing up any way. The latest 
usable copy I have is one I "saved as"  yesterday , with a different name. But 
today's work is gone, many hours of it. Thanks for replying.
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