Thanks, but all of this is unecessary. Won't do. The files are corrupted, 
period. Maybe export as XML will prevent further losses. I'll try that.

At 9:30 +1000 08/05/10, Graeme Gerrard wrote:
>Sounds like the files are okay (?).
>Reboot, reinstall Finale, download the upgrades.  Reboot.
>Is you OS up to date?  Which version are you running?
>Try again.  You could also try exporting as MusicXML as a further backup 
>On 08/05/2010, at 9:08 AM, dhbailey wrote:
>> Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:
>>> Yes, I do have a copy "saved as". I said that on my post. It gives the same 
>>> error. All three files give the same error: the main file, the ".asv" copy 
>>> and the "saved as" copy. It seems as if although the file was still open, 
>>> it was already corrupted when both copies were made.
>> Have you rebooted your computer since that started happening?
>> I don't know Macs at all, but I do recall reading about having Mac users 
>> "trash their preferences" as a solution to several different problems, and 
>> perhaps that might help here?  Just a thought.
>> --
>> David H. Bailey
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