On Sat May 8, at SaturdayMay 8 7:53 AM, Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:

At 7:25 -0400 08/05/10, Christopher Smith wrote:
On Fri May 7, at FridayMay 7 11:26 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 7 May 2010, at 11:02 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

I would hesitate to blame this directly on Finale.

I am pretty sure this is a Finale issue and not an OS issue. I've never, ever, experienced file corruption using any other Mac OS X app. But it seems to happen on a fairly regular basis for MacFin power users. I haven't seen it myself in a few years (knock on wood) but I know others have, including several Mac users on this list.

I see it on occasion in AppleWorks 6 as well. (Yes, I still use that old, old program). I wonder if it is just a coincidence that both Finale AND AppleWorks 6 are the only two apps I use that don't use the new Mac OSX filenames correctly (they both stop using Apple protocols at 32 characters, including the extension and period.) I would bet dollars to doughnuts that Harold's filename was longer than 32 characters.

It is because of this issue that I managed to overwrite a .mus file with an audio file created from inside Finale. This is a documented bug, not addressed yet by MakeMusic except to advise users to save audio in a different directory than the .mus file resides, or to confine filenames to 28 characters or fewer, plus the .mus extension.


The file name is only 6 chars plus the .mus extension.

Okay, that's one theory shot!

I read after I commented that you use the excellent incremental filename backup system (filename001, filename002, etc.) but as you noticed, this only protects you as often as you use it. If you only save each day under a new name, then you stand to lose up to a day's work. I change the filename almost every time I save, which might be every ten or fifteen minutes, and my .bak files and my .asv files provide additional protection. Once the project is done, I delete most of the extra files, but they are there helping security during the working phase.


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