I bought Sibelius 6 this year and, like others, have found it incredibly
difficult to use - not the fault of Sibelius, but my fault

I bought Sibelius partly because of the cheap deal they were offering
earlier this year and partly because I was increasingly being offered scores
in Sibelius that I needed to be able to work on.

I have only ever used Finale before and can work very quickly in it which
means that using Sibelius slows me down considerably.

There are two problems - one is my unfamiliarity with Sibelius, I don't know
what to do instinctively, I have to think about it (and I haven't gone
through the exercises nor read the manual thoroughly yet). The other is, as
David has mentioned, I see what I do through Finale eyes and the two
programmes are very different and I'm sure that David is correct in
asserting that you have to treat it a brand new programme, not just as a
different kind of Finale.  Interestingly, I find that my students, who were
introduced to both programmes at the same time, have no problems with either
and no preference.

Even so, even at this primitive level I can see that there are some things
that Sibelius does better and some things that Finale does better.

I am still waiting for David's "aha" moment - I'm sure it will come one day.


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