I'd like to add another option: turn off or hide courtesy time signature on an individual basis.. In general I'd like to be able to move anything anywhere, hide anything at all and lose the space given to hidden items if and only if I want.

Steve P.

On 14 Jan 2011, at 03:25, Brian Williams wrote:


Try this (assuming you have TGTools installed):

TGTools > Modify > Transfer...

It will let you copy bar layouts, etc. from one place to another (from a laid-out separate part file to a linked part in another file, or from one linked part to another within the same file). You'll still have to open each extracted part individually, select all, copy the layout with the TGTools plugin and then open the corresponding linked part in the original master
file and paste the layout, but it will still save you time vs. redoing
everything from scratch.

Linked parts are great and have come a long way since 2007. Thanks to the TGTools plugin, I have been using them for the past couple of years in lieu of my old "Special Part Extraction" method. In Finale 2010 they finally allowed for separate measure number settings in the score vs. parts which was a HUGE improvement. However, there is one issue that still causes me to have the score file separate from the parts for large orchestral works - time signature display on staves in score vs. parts. In a large orchestral score, I prefer to only display time signatures on 4 or 5 staves (i.e. the first staff of each section) and I set them to be GIGANTIC in the score but normal sized in the parts. Obviously I want time signatures to appear on all staves in the parts. Currently there is no way to do this until they add another checkbox in staff attributes: "Time Sig. in Score" and "Time Sig. in Parts" like they already do for Staff Name. There's even an extra space for
it in the dialog! Oh well, I can dream... (yes, I have told tech
support/product development about this).


On 1/13/11 10:01 AM, finale-requ...@shsu.edu wrote:

Since I'm of the "old school" Finale users, having really cut my teeth on the program almost ten years ago, I never was used to the idea of linked parts, so I have continued doing the usual extraction method. I'm starting
regret this, especially as I didn't realize that this "unlinks" the parts from the score; I thought that "linked" parts meant "linked extracted" parts. I guess I need to read the directions a little more. Now that I've spent 30 minutes just making one pass to change of all things, the title, I'm
really  wanting my parts to be linked again.

Is it possible to do an Indiana Jones-like switcheroo, where I insert the part file I've been working on and laid out beautifully into the rough-cut part file that Finale wants to use when I go to select the part in question? I realize that for certain things I'll probably need to still use some part extraction, but with that being the exception rather than the rule, I'll even allow for some extra cleanup if it will save me some time down the

Conversely, if someone has a way I can literally cut-and-paste all the layout changes I've made and can superimpose them on the part with minimal damage, that would be acceptable, too. I don't think this will work where I've exploded the parts into multiple staves, though, such as my double wind
lines.  But perhaps there's a plugin for that, too?

Michael Wittenburg
Sarasota Opera

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